Must see for fellow ‘Valdiators’
The Suburban Brew – Glynde
1 March & 13 March
Sometimes at the Adelaide Fringe, you want to discover something new. Other times, you’re able to see a performer you already know and love…
This stand-up show was unquestionably for the latter, the ‘Vladiators’ who snapped up the limited tickets so quickly, that a second Adelaide show had to be added.
My Cousin Vlad is a social media personality and podcaster based on the man behind the glasses, a Sydney-based former real estate agent who has pushed beyond the ethnic stereotype comedy, leaning into a more “grown-up” generation.
Those who grew up watching Wog Boy, Pizza and Sooshi Mango will enjoy an evolution of the humor, more relatable to 30 and 40 somethings. It tackles relationships, families and the stages of life while fondly reflecting on the ‘old days’. Extremely relatable, while you’re not being reminded of yourself, you’ll be reminded of people you know throughout the show.
The Suburban Brew in Glynde is an unconventional stand-up comedy space which felt intimate and perfect for interacting with the ‘Vladelaide’ crowd creating some of the highlights of the show.
If you’re a My Cousin Vlad fan, I’d suggest you snap up the tickets to the second show fast!
Get tickets HERE!