No wonder this show is iconic

The Spiegeltent, The Garden Of Unearthly Delights
Until March 23
4.5/5 STARS

It’s pretty easy to see why this is one of the most popular shows at the Adelaide Fringe every year.

It’s a wild ride the whole way through, combining circus and cabaret with a hint of sexiness (but not overdone).

While it does contain elements from previous Limbo runs, and other Strut n Fret shows, there’s enough original material throughout that even regular attendees of this genre, and show, will leave stunned and entertained.

Expect everything; from a guy who begins as a horse impersonator then becoming a tap dancer, innovative usage of a stripper pole, impressive hat tricks, to a lady wearing too much underwear and even performers dressed as rabbits eating carrots & spitting them out, just to be swallowed again! There are moments some will call eclectic (I prefer strange) but even they were entertaining.

You’ll also get whips and chains (not at the same time) and even Raygun’s infamous kangaroo break dance move appeared briefly.

Not only are the main performers highly talented as are the band, led by the man with the best hair, Sxip Shirey, creating all the music live, both with instruments and their mouths! The show even opened with an interesting combination of a harmonica, tuba and a beat boxer and the music is one of the highlights through the show.

Get tickets HERE!