Some shows have an irresistible energy. Skeletons gives us something better: it has Kirsty Mann

The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum – The Gallery
SEASON EXTENDED until March 23

4.5/ 5 STARS

The show’s listed as ‘Comedy: Storytelling’ which is true – but it’s so much more. Mann’s natural charm gives Skeletons a real sense of heart and soul, and her ability to quickly connect with the audience means we’re ready to come along on whatever ride she provides.

And what a ride it is.

Skeletons is very, very funny. As she shares the story of trying to hide her career as a doctor from her performing friends and her career as a performer from her medical colleagues, Mann uses speech, accents and mannerisms to superbly bring characters to life.

The script is tight, the pacing is just right and she doesn’t miss a beat, whether it’s the big moments in the narrative or a one-liner dropped to awesome effect thanks to her bang-on comic timing.


The energy’s irresistible, the story moves beautifully, and Mann delivers lots of laughs and plenty of genuine heart. See it now – you’ll be claiming you were there in years to come anyway.

With Skeletons the diagnosis is simple – it’s the kind of show that lights up the Fringe.

Get tickets HERE!