Are you curious about what you can legally name your baby? Journalist Kirsten Drysdale certainly was when she named her newborn baby ‘Methamphetamine Rules’.
Best known for her work on shows like WTFAQ and Reputation Rehab, Kirsten took on the challenge of exploring baby naming regulations in a rather unconventional manner.
But why on earth would someone choose such a peculiar name for their newborn? The answer lies in Kirsten’s quest for clarity on baby naming rules. Despite seeking answers from the Department of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, she still felt uncertain about what names were allowed.
So, while heavily pregnant, she and her husband Chris decided to put it to the test.
To their surprise, when their son was born, they chose the most outrageous name they could think of – ‘Methamphetamine Rules’ – fully expecting it to be rejected. However, much to their shock, it was actually approved quite swiftly, and they received their son’s birth certificate in the mail with that peculiar name.

Kirsten Drysdale undertook this act “in the name of journalism” to prove a point. She wanted to demonstrate that the naming rules were not as clear-cut as they seemed. While she acknowledged a small chance of human error, she didn’t anticipate the name being accepted.
The couple told they took all the necessary steps and even considered naming their child ‘Nangs Rule,’ but they were concerned that the registry might not understand what “nangs” are. Hence, they settled on ‘Methamphetamine Rules’ to ensure no gaps in understanding.

A spokesperson for the Births, Deaths, and Marriages department later admitted that this “highly unusual” name had slipped through their process. Typically, only a few names are rejected each year among thousands of birth registrations in New South Wales.
So, what names are actually prohibited? The rules clearly state that names cannot be obscene, offensive, contrary to public interest, or describe lewd or sexual acts. Racial slurs, insults, swear words, and official titles such as ‘princess’ or ‘Queen’ are also off-limits.
In light of the incident with ‘Methamphetamine Rules,’ the registry has tightened its procedures and is collaborating with Kirsten and her family to change their baby’s name. They have selected a new name, which they prefer to keep private, ensuring it has no association with class A drugs.
Kirsten Drysdale and her family have transformed this circumstance into a story they can share on their son’s 21st birthday. Baby ‘Methamphetamine Rules’ now has a different name, which has not been disclosed to the public.